Sensory Stimulation | Millennium Memory Care

Ocean Gardening
As Alzheimer’s disease and dementia progress and cognitive abilities continue to decline, it becomes increasingly difficult to perform routine tasks. It also becomes harder to communicate and interact socially with others. This can be a stressful and isolating experience for the patient suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. Sensory stimulation therapy can provide an engaging and enjoyable way to encourage interaction and emotional expression by invoking pleasant m...
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Dementia And Excessive Sleep

Sleeping Senior Couple
Sleep problems are often experienced by people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. It is not entirely clear why this is such a common issue with Alzheimer's disease and dementia, but scientists believe that, along with memory and behavior changes, the impact of Alzheimer's on the brain can also affect sleep. This may result in less time in deep sleep and more time awake at night. Additional difficulties may include excessive sleepiness or agitation during the day and abnormal movements or brea...
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Challenges with Challenging Behaviors

Lonely senior man feeling very sad
By Galina Markovich Director, Millennium Memory Care Dementia care is becoming ever more needed in an increasing variety of settings including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, boarding homes, rehab centers and of course, in the homes of friends and neighbors. It is crucial to understand what the best care setting is for someone with behavioral dementia. In my support groups, I frequently meet caregivers who ask this very question. Many of them have already had experiences with f...
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Benefits Of Sleep | Millennium Memory Care

Sleeping woman alarm clock
Everyone enjoys waking up refreshed after a good night’s sleep. Although it seems your brain and body have shut down during this period, your brain is quite actively performing many critical functions during sleep. This is why it is so important to get regular uninterrupted quality sleep so that your brain has a chance to perform essential tasks during the night. Trash Removal. When you are asleep, some parts of your brain become much more active than during the day. One part is responsible f...
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Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease | Millennium Memory Care

Behavior changes may be a sign of Alzheimer's.
With so much misinformation surrounding the conditions of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, it can be difficult to sort fact from fiction. If your loved one is getting more and more forgetful, is it just a normal part of aging or is it a sign of Alzheimer’s? If your loved one is becoming increasingly withdrawn socially, is this an indication of dementia, or could it be something else? Some behaviors that may point to early warning signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can be hard to detec...
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5 Myths About Alzheimer’s | Millennium Memory Care

Lady with Rose Small
Here are 5 Myths About Alzheimer's Myth 1: It only happens only to older people. While true that most people with Alzheimer’s are 65 and older, it can also happen when you’re young. Around 5% of people experience symptoms in their 30s, 40s, or 50s, which is called early-onset Alzheimer’s. Myth 2: Alzheimer’s is part of aging. A little memory loss is a normal part of aging. But true Alzheimer's symptoms, like memory loss, should not be lumped into that category. George Perry, MD, a ne...
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Alzheimer’s Experts Shift Focus from Research to Prevention

Diagnosing the Brain
Everyone is hoping for the miracle cure that can stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Significant research resources are aimed at finding this miracle cure to help the estimated 16 million people expected to become afflicted with Alzheimer’s by 2050. But Alzheimer’s disease is not an inevitability for all older people, even those considered to be at high risk. While some risk factors cannot be reversed, such as aging or having a family history of Alzheimer’s, other factor...
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Nutrition Tips for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Healthy Lunch
Getting proper nutrition can be a challenge for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Alzheimer’s patients may lose track of their mealtimes and skip meals or they may simply eat or drink less than they used to. People with Alzheimer’s also experience difficulties with eating as cognitive functioning declines. They may forget how to use utensils, not recognize some foods, have difficulty chewing or swallowing, find food choices confusing or lose their appetites due to...
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Sleep And Dementia Risk | Millennium Memory Care

Sleeping Senior Couple
Sleep problems are familiar to Alzheimer’s patients and those who care for them. The experience of sleep disorders is quite common for individuals with Alzheimer’s. What has not been entirely clear is which comes first: Alzheimer’s disease or the related sleep disorders. Experts have suspected that areas of the brain responsible for regulating sleep are damaged in individuals with Alzheimer’s, leading to poor quality sleep. Now, brain scientists at Oregon Health & Science University sugge...
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Sugar And Alzheimer’s Disease | Millennium Memory Care

sugar and alzeheimers
It is well known that having too much sugar in the blood for long periods can lead to hyperglycemia which can contribute to increased risks of organ damage, heart attack and stroke, vision problems, and diabetes complications. Scientists have also known that people with diabetes are at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease but the connection between the two remained unclear. Researchers have now discovered that the molecular reaction triggered by excess glucose damages a specific enz...
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