memory care

The Effects of Proper Sleep on the Memory

Sleeping Senior Couple
Sleep is often undervalued in our fast-paced society, where productivity and constant activity are glorified. However, its importance, particularly concerning memory, cannot be overstated. Research consistently shows that sleep plays a critical role in memory consolidation and overall cognitive function. Memory consolidation is the process by which our brains stabilize and organize newly acquired information, making it easier to retrieve later. This process occurs predominantly during sleep, ...
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The Role of Vitamins in Memory Loss

The Role of Vitamins in Memory Loss
Memory loss, a common concern as people age, can significantly impact the quality of life. While it is a natural part of the aging process, certain factors can exacerbate memory decline. Among these, nutritional deficiencies, particularly in essential vitamins, have been found to play a critical role. Vitamins are vital for numerous bodily functions, including cognitive health. This article explores the connection between vitamins and memory loss, highlighting key vitamins that influence brain f...
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Assisted Living vs. Memory Care Facilities

Assisted Living or Memory Care
In the realm of senior care, assisted living and memory care facilities serve distinct yet interconnected purposes, catering to the diverse needs of aging individuals. While both offer supportive environments designed to enhance quality of life, understanding the differences between them is crucial for families navigating the complex landscape of elder care. Assisted living facilities are tailored to meet the needs of seniors who require assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) but d...
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Millennium Memory Care Marks a Decade of Compassionate Memory Care Services

10th anniversary image
Mahwah, NJ November 16, 2023 — Millennium Memory Care (MMC), a leading provider of specialized memory care services, is thrilled to announce its 10th anniversary. For the past decade, the company has been dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with memory-related challenges and their families. Founded in 2013, MMC has emerged as a beacon of excellence in the field of memory care. Specializing in behavioral memory care and providing a home-like environment, personalized care, and inno...
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Hearing Loss And Dementia New Insights | Millennium Memory Care

Woman and Hearing Aid
A slow loss of hearing ability is generally viewed as a normal and accepted part of aging. It is an unfortunate reality many of us will face as we get older. About two-thirds of Americans experience some hearing loss by the time they reach their 70s. It is perceived to be so inevitable that many do not seek any treatment or remedy for hearing loss. In fact, less than 15-20 percent of people diagnosed with hearing loss even use hearing aids. However, research is now increasingly pointing to li...
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Alzheimers Disease Stages | Millennium Memory Care

Brain with EKG Line
When an aging loved one starts getting forgetful, misplacing things or repeating questions, you might begin to wonder if this could be an indication of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. It is possible that these lapses are simply a normal part of aging or possibly signs of a mild cognitive impairment unrelated to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. If these behaviors are a concern to you or your loved one, it is important to speak with your doctor in order to get an accurate diagnosis. Alzheimer’...
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Social Support For Dementia Patients | Millennium Memory Care

4 Friends at Monroe
According to new research from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, public engagement and civic activity helps the memory center in aging brains maintain its size and in some cases even grow larger. This new research recently appeared in Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association and was drawn from a study of a Baltimore based program that matches retirees with young people in public schools to act as reading mentors. At two years in length, this...
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Lighting Intervention in Memory Care Homes for People with Dementia

room lighting
Research out of Penn State's Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing and the College of Engineering has received a grant from the National Institute on Aging. The grant is being used to investigate the effects of ambient lighting interventions in nursing homes. Specifically, this investigation will examine ambient lighting's effects on residents with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. As the disease progresses, dementia affects just about all aspects of everyday life. The most common sym...
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Caring for Dementia Patients at Home

Caring for Dementia Patients at Home
The decision about how to best care for a loved one who presents with symptoms of Alzheimer’s or dementia is difficult to make. While care facilities can offer personalized care at the hands of experienced professionals, many loved ones of the 5.8 million Americans with Alzheimer’s disease choose to provide care from home. One of the most common struggles caregivers experience is making time to care for themselves. Creating a positive and safe environment for a loved one with Alzheimer’s can ...
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Proper Nutrition for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Preparing Healthy Food
Proper eating and nutrition are important for everyone, but eating well presents particular challenges for people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Individuals experiencing cognitive decline may find it increasingly difficult to keep track of mealtimes, understand healthy food choices or even how to properly use utensils. Poor nutrition for those with Alzheimer’s and dementia may also lead to worsening symptoms, behavioral problems and unhealthy weight loss. While Alzheimer’s and dementia...
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